Export and email bills overview

Export & E-mail Bills is used to generate an electronic copy of a final bill in the following formats:  PDF, HTML, RTF, TIFF, or TXT.  The electronic file may be saved to a folder on your local hard drive, on a shared network drive (Export), or automatically attached to an email and sent to the client (email).  The email feature requires a MAPI-compliant email package, such as Outlook, to be installed on the machine performing this task.

You are not limited to only exporting or only emailing each bill.  Both an Export format and an email format may be assigned to a consolidation or matter. Juris exports and emails each bill simultaneously.

Billing address setup for emailing bills

When setting up for emailing bills you must setup an email address in order for email feature to function. This is done in the Billing Address\Office window which can be accessed via the Tables > Client window.